Nostalgic 90s Party

Nostalgic 90s Party
The 90s are full of nostalgia for me! It’s become a popular party theme, many styles and toys are back in stores, and you have an entire decade of movies,…

Brownie Badge: Making Friends

Brownie Badge: Making Friends
The Making Friends badge is a great option for the first meeting of the year or when you have a new group of girls joining. It’s easy and gets the…

Brownie Badge: Making Games

Brownie Badge: Making Games
The Making Games badge incorporates different types of games - physical games, board games, scavenger hunts, etc. I have a variety of options available for Scavenger Hunts that could be…

Brownie Badge: Numbers in Nature

Brownie Badge: Numbers in Nature
The Numbers in Nature badge is part of a series of math-themed nature badges - Numbers, Design, and Shapes in Nature. These badges exist for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors so…

Avengers Party

frisbees like Captain America's Shield and Avengers decals
The Avengers were fully assembled for this Avengers-themed party! I focused on Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and Spiderman for activities. Those are my son’s favorites but we had decorations for…

Gummy Party

gummy legos can be used for all kinds of games
Gummy bears, gummy worms, fruit snacks, Swedish fish, sour gummies - all these things were fair game for my daughter’s gummy party! When she got the palate expander she got…

Gift Bow Games

bowls full of gift bows
The gift bow… a decoration on a package that makes it look nice for a few minutes and is then discarded. Maybe it gets put on someone’s head if there…

Office Olympics at Home Edition

office olympice rings
Office Olympics are not a new idea but working from home during the pandemic pushed the competition and creativity to a new level. When I created these Home Office Olympics…

Halloween Mini Challenges

pumpkin buckets, candy corn, and leaves for games
Whether you want to add easy fun to your Halloween party, distract your kids who are anxious to start trick-or-treating, or have some friendly competition with your coworkers, these Halloween-themed…