My daughter does not like cake or cupcakes, but she does love ice cream! For her seventh birthday we had an ice cream themed party! I was able to find decorations easily online and added in colorful plates, napkins, and tablecloths I use for other themes. I had four activities plus, of course, ending with a sundae bar.
Sprinkle Scoop

This game is a race to scoop as many sprinkles as you can from one bowl to another. The catch? The spoon has to be in your mouth and you can’t use your hands!
Set a timer for 45 seconds and then everyone has to scoop up sprinkles with their spoon and move it to their bowl. It can be really difficult to dump the sprinkles in the bowl by just moving your head. Sprinkles will go everywhere – this is a messy game! I played it in the garage and outside on the deck, where I could easily sweep away the mess.
After the time was up, I weighed each bowl to declare a winner. You could also have a “fill line” on the bowl instead of using a timer.
Sprinkle Pictures

I like to incorporate a craft activity into kid parties. It is typically a calmer activity and can be part of the treat bag to take home.

I pre-cut cardboard into the initials of the kids attending the party, you could also do shapes like hearts or flowers. Each girl used a sponge brush to add mod podge to the area of the paper around the letter. Then, after the glue is added, remove the cardboard letter and add sprinkles! The sprinkles will stick to the glue and leave a letter silhouette. Then set them aside to dry while you play other games or open presents.
I recommend using sugar sprinkles or a similar “small” sprinkle that isn’t too thick. After the pictures dried I put them in frames to take home. Thicker sprinkles would make it difficult to fit in a glass-front frame.
Cone Catch
If you have a lot of ping pong balls, or other small balls, this is a super easy game to play! I created “cones” from construction paper, twisted into a cone shape. Each team got a pile of white ping pong balls to be the scoops of ice cream.

The teams took turns tossing ice cream into the cone. If you have older kids, you could increase the challenge and have the catcher take a step backwards every time they catch the ball. You can also take a step forward for a miss. Just be prepared to pick up a lot of ping pong balls afterwards!
Ice Cream Topping Game

This game is a variation on a Taco Topping Game I created for Cinco de Mayo. Each girl had a bowl of ice cream (made out of construction paper) and the spinner options were M&Ms, Banana slices, Cherry, Chocolate Chips, No Topping, and Free Choice. Each girl took a turn spinning the spinner and then adding that topping to her bowl. The goal is to get at least one of each topping on your ice cream sundae.

Ice Cream Sundae Bar
Of course no ice cream party is complete without an ice cream sundae bar! Piling up all the toppings was the best ending to a fun party.