The Avengers were fully assembled for this Avengers-themed party! I focused on Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and Spiderman for activities. Those are my son’s favorites but we had decorations for the others too.
Avengers Party Highlights
- Thor Hammer Smash
- Spiderman’s Web Shooters
- Captain America Shootout
- Hulk Smash Board
- Decorations and Cake
Thor Hammer Smash

Who doesn’t like an excuse to smash things with a hammer? This Avengers game involved smashing ice cream cones with Thor’s hammer. I sealed colored sprinkles in some of the cones. The goal was to smash until you found sprinkles. You can also do this game using a set of Hulk’s fists to smash the cones.
My husband made Thor’s hammer by taking a rubber mallet, adding a cardboard box and styrofoam to it, and then wrapping it in duct tape. It was very sturdy and looked cool.

To hide the sprinkles in the cones, I first poured in sprinkles that were colorful. Then I added a bit of icing to seal the sprinkles inside.
Highly recommend you play this game outside or in a garage you can easily clean out. The cones exploded rather spectacularly when smashed with the hammer.
Spiderman’s Web Shooters

Spiderman is known for wrapping up the bad guys in his webs and now you can too! This game is very simple – all you need is silly string and villains.
I printed pictures of villains from The Avengers and taped them to the garage doors. This is another game I recommend playing outside or in a garage you can clean easily.
Each child got a can of silly string. The first kid to completely cover their bad guy with silly string won.
Captain America Shootout

This Avengers activity was custom-designed to fit what we had available. It’s one of my party planning rules to work with what you have and in this case, that was a lot of pvc pipe!
My husband designed targets to look like Captain America’s shield. After 3d printing the targets, he attached them to a pvc pipe stand. The targets fell back when hit, like a carnival game. We used nerf guns to try and get all three targets down.
Hulk Smash Board

A punch board is a great and easy way to incorporate Hulk’s signature “smash” in a party game. I painted the back of a tri-fold board green, added letters to say “Hulk Smash” and then cut out circles to hold plastic cups.

Each plastic cup held a prize. I covered the cups with a single layer of tissue paper and used rubber bands to hold the tissue paper in place. Then I wedged the cups into the holes on the board.

Kids took turns punching for a prize.
Avengers Decorations and Cake
I love to have activities that can double as decorations! In this case, we had decorations that doubled as an activity!

I ordered these Avengers wall decals to place around the house. The particular set came with a person and symbol for each character. We placed them randomly around and made a game to find each pair (character and symbol).

For a pirate-themed party I created a “new pirate name” sheet. I copied this basic idea for a “new super hero name” sheet!

A treat bag gift was these little Captain America shields. I bought a set of mini frisbees and created a sticker to add. They made fun decorations and take-home gifts!
The sticker template works with a 2″ round label. I used these same labels to make Monsters Inc work helmets.

The final Avengers-themed piece of the party was the cake. This Captain America cake was super easy to create. I ordered red, white, and blue m&ms and then placed them in rings to create the shield design. We added a white star to the blue section because it was tricky to get the m&ms to look like a star.